
Stop by police? wtf?

I'm doing this while Low Carmen is still busy doing her essay, so she has no chance to know I'm writing this.

So it was Tuesday, and it was a hot sunny day.
Carmen and I went to 1u to buy Stem Hasil for the PTPTN Loan thingy.
So as we were driving back to school, there was a police road block.
So sure we think, aiyaaaa, nothing one laaaaa, police road block jehhh marrrr.

As we were driving through the road block, the police stopped us.
Goshhhh, we were thinking what happen.
We wind down the window and the police came to us.

The next thing you know, the police ask for Carmen's license.
Takut underage worrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Told ya you look kiddy.
Now police also suspect you for underage!

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