Merry Christmas!
Ya, what a F**king CHRISTMAS it turns out to be!
Seems that my dad thinks I'm a little spentriff!
Duh, it was christmas yesterday.
The story goes like this.
Yesterday was Christmas right, so my family took a trip to Mid Valley.
We were there at about 9.30pm, and I suggested to take our breakfast in Kim Gary.
Fair right?
My dad wants mamak. Stupid.
I said it is Christmas and we should enjoy something better.
He answered me:" you do not know how hard earn money comes from."
Nevermind, in the end he gave in and went to Kim Gary.
In the afternoon, I propose to go for karaoke session because my mum has been missing a lot of fun this few years.
And again my dad made that statement.
What the F**k.
It makes me pissed of.
Not that i wanna codemn my dad or something.
But sometimes it's better for him to say something nice.
It's not like i spend a lot of money everyday.
I'm not a 二世祖.
I control my money more than he does with his!
So just stop calling me a SPENDTRIFF!