
Having insomnia in the middle of the night.
Listen to Craig David's Insomnia.
"It's like insomnia... oh wooo hoooo~~"
Ringing in my ears all night long.

I wonder what Dr.Lim meant by "I give you cough medicine in tablet form, then you won't feel so sleepy".
Now I know.
Not so sleepy means not getting to sleep at all.
I took 5 different colourful tablets, but I'm still not sleepy.

Today was a day of excitement.
Ms.Karen made us do something silly yet fun.
She made us play musical chair.
13 person surrounding 13 chairs.
You might be thinking, shouldn't one chair be remove?
Oh no.
That's not Ms. Karen's intention.
When she say stop, I grabbed the chair nearest to me.
Which is, to my surprise, Carmen's seat. ==

Well, guess what Ms. Karen made us do?
Mark or should I say evaluate the box design infront of us.
So I'm suppose to mark Carmen's one.
And Carmen sat at my place, so she's suppose to mark mine.

Skipping the details, I got a good news.
Carmen Low Carmen's A+ Poster Design is now available at the White Canvas Gallery located at KBU International College, Bandar Utama.
For further information or visual references, please proceed to my Facebook photo gallery.
You can find it in CollegeLife.

So yeaaaaaaaa. (I feel like this sentence is copyrighted by JonLam. xD)
We went to the White Canvas Gallery to take tons of pictures.

This afternoon, after picking up Peixi from Cap Square. (sorry laaaa. for making you wait so long.)
We made our way to LaiMeng.
Buy anniversary tickets marrrrr.
Bad News.
No more jorrrrr.

We walked around the school.
Taking pictures.
Like what Peixi said, no nostalgic feel.
But as we walk and walk and walk, it seems like all the memories are coming back.
Well, for Peixi laaa.
She was telling me alot of things, and I can't remember anything.
I think I'm not optimistic enough.
Because I only remember the sad and sorrows I face in primary school.
How I was punished in Standard 4.
How I missed class for 2 months due to competitions in Standard 6.

We were talking about friends.
All like lost contact.
In form 1 we still write letters to everybody, sending CNY cards.
But now, it just seems like the distance between all of us are so damn big.
It's a very big gap.
Even me and Peixi.
I was fetching her back and we didn't even spoke on a topic for more than 3 minutes.
What happen to us.

Looking forward to the reunion.
I hope to see everybody.

Looking forward to Prom.

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