
So talking about today.
We watched this horror movie in class today.
The whole time I was hiding behind Carmen.
Horror movies are like that.
You know they are scary, but you still wanna see it.
Just makes your adrenaline pumped!

We ate roti telur today.
Because we spent too much on the chocolate yesterday.
Like my mum says...."deiii leiii seiiii".

Went and fetch dear after school today.
Went to The Curve dor movies.
Oh yeaaa!
I watched Transformer already!
It's the coolest movie in town now!
A must-watch!
And Shia is still so leng zaiiiiiiiiiiiiii and funny.
Since the days of "Even Stevens".
And I know why people love Megan Fox.
She. Is. HOT!

My dinner was MCD again.
Now I'm not left with any money.
Not even money for tomorrow's meal.

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